通茶 Branding and Packaging Design Development home

China Tea Co., Ltd. is one of the world's top 500 COFCO Limited (COFCO) member companies, headquartered in Beijing, is the former China Tea Import and Export Corporation. China Tea Co., Ltd was established in November 1949, which was the first set up national professional firm in the history of  People's Republic of China. At present, the company mainly engaged in tea, coffee, cocoa and other commodities import and export and domestic sales operations. Tea companies set tea cultivation, production, processing, research and development, sales and cultural promotion in one.

In 2016, China Tea Co., Ltd decided to launch a new category of tea called (通茶) to the market using their brand new GMP certified technology.  

Originated from the history of authentic heritage, to the modern purebred fermentation technology through the equivalent of drugs GMP level of rigorous production process, each batch of tea are rich in the Chaxuan Tuansong bacteria. Accompanied by a strong probiotic fragrance, can enjoy Runchang catharsis, lipid-lowering detoxification effect, through tea is particularly suitable for eating disorders and stressful daily life of urban people drinking.

The major goal for this project is how to combine the traditional China Tea image and modern style together. So we try to use some simple graphic with pastel colours to try to illustrate a simple and healthy living style to the product packaging and branding, also giving a total new look to this historical company.


中国茶叶股份有限公司是世界500强之一中粮集团有限公司(COFCO)成员企业,总部设在北京,是由原中国茶叶进出口公司改造设立。其前身中国茶业公司成立于1949年11月, 是中华人民共和国最早成立的全国性专业公司。公司目前主要经营茶叶,咖啡,可可等多种商品的进出口及国内销售业务。中茶公司集茶叶种植,生产,加工,研发,销售,文化推广在 一体。


“通茶” 名称的由来: 源自历史正宗传承,以现代纯种发酵技术通过相当于药品GMP级的严谨生产流程,每一批通茶均蕴含丰富中茶冠突散囊菌。 ”通” 之意思在于饮用后可享润肠通便、降脂排毒的功效。通茶特别适合饮食失衡及生活压力大的都市人日常饮用。




client:  China Tea Limited
categories:  branding - packaging
year:  2017